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Corporate Executives

Through dedication and skill, you’ve become an invaluable member of your company’s corporate team. As such, you are compensated competitively and now faced with options regarding your future finances. We work with CEOs, Presidents, Directors and other individuals in executive positions to offer compensation above and beyond 401k limits.

Are you hoping to retain key employees by offering benefits beyond regular 401(k) contributions?

We can help by advising and offering enhanced compensation plans for business owners, highly compensated or key employees.

Some of our Executive Bonus solutions include:

  • Non-qualified deferred compensation plans for the purpose of contributing above 401(k) limits
  • Life and Long-Term Care Insurance Bonus plans

Are you preparing for the sale or transfer of your business? Who owns the business if you die, become disabled, or do you simply want to enjoy retirement?

We can help with facilitating a buy/sell agreement and implementing a funding solution.

Are You a Corporate Executive Looking to Maximize Your Options?

Get in Touch