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Business Owners & Plan Sponsors

As a business owner, you want to know you’re caring for both the future of your business and your employees. Selecting the right employer-sponsored benefits and retirement plan should strike a delicate balance between offering your employees the options they need to seek financial independence while keeping in mind your business’s goals for growth. We help business owners understand and execute their responsibility to their employees as we help analyze, select and implement an appropriate retirement plan.

We offer our services in developing a number of employer-sponsored plans including 401(k), 403(b) and other plan types.

Our Plan Selection Services Include:

  • Regular meetings with your trustees or other decision-makers
  • Reviewing current plan design and identify any areas for improvement
  • Developing an Investment Policy Statement to objectively identify investments for your plan
  • Managing investments within the plan for quality, performance and cost
  • Salary Continuation Plans
  • Ongoing employee enrollment and informational meetings to help with their options

Care For the Future of Your Employees & Business

With Jacobs Financial Partners

Schedule a Complimentary No Obligation Consultation