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Employee Newsletter: Debt Management Edition Thumbnail

Employee Newsletter: Debt Management Edition

This quarter’s employee education offers practical tips and strategies to help manage debt effectively, distinguishing between “good” and “bad” debt, accompanied by practical exercises for budgeting and debt management. Understanding these concepts is helpful to achieving financial freedom and stability; we believe your employees will greatly benefit from this knowledge.

We encourage you to share this newsletter with your organization. It's an excellent way for your team to access valuable information that can aid their progress while on their savings journey.

Download and Share Employee Education

Get in touch with one of our retirement plan advisors by filling out the form below. We look forward to speaking with you!

Frank P. Zocco, Jr., CFP®, AIF®, CRPS®

Jacobs Financial Partners, LLC

95 Glastonbury Blvd, Suite 210

Glastonbury, CT  06033

(860) 657-8757



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